Monday, April 18, 2011

Just a Thought..... life on the 17 Day Diet.

My life has been filled with feeling of...


 deprivation ever since I began the 17 Day Diet.  

Deprivation, eggs, and chicken to be exact.

There must be more in this grocery bag, 
we call a healthy lifestyle,
 than eggs and chicken.

There just has to be!

For the record, I was hard core on this diet... 

...for a week.

But, I began reading ahead and I didn't like how this book ended. 
It was just more chicken and eggs.

I have nothing against chicken or their bi-products. 

But I'm a Texas Kitteh.
I *heart* red meat!

Early on I said, "This diet may just be the thing that 
makes Weight Watcher's look good again." 

And you know what?? 

It does.

Weight Watchers is simplistic.
You can eat what you want as long 
as you count it and stay within your points.

Weight Watchers has worked for me
in the past and 
I am ready to rekindle our relationship!

This kitteh is ready to start counting...


Friday, April 15, 2011

Little Did I Know...

Little did I know that suggesting that my fellow co-workers and I go on The 17 Day Diet would land me on the 10 Most Wanted list.

Suffice it to say, people are not loving the diet.  But, that being said, everyone is reporting fantastic results.  There are 6 of us currently on the diet.  We have completed Day 4.  Combined we have lost a little over 40 pounds.  That is fantastic!  There were many WEEKS on Weight Watchers that I celebrated ANY loss.  For me, losing a little over 7 pounds in 4 days, is unbelievable.  I know my weight loss will not continue at this rate forever, but the whole premise is to get you excited about losing weight in the beginning and build up your confidence in your ability to lose weight.  How many diets fail because at the end of a week you only lost a pound.  A one pound (or less) loss is devastating and can make a large weigh loss goal seem impossible.  

The claims made by the 17 Day Diet are true.  "Depending on your weight when you start out and your metabolism, you might expect to lose up to 10 to 12 pounds in the first 17 days.  Of course, the further you are from your ideal weight, the more you'll lose initially." I find that amazing and encouraging. 

 I just need to constantly remind the hostile people working with me that the carb sacrifice HAS been worth it and that they HAVE made astonishing progress.  It is not time to retreat.  It is time to stand strong Cycle Two will give us a few carbs back!!

Because right now, I am a marked kitteh!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Kitteh's Tale of the The 17 Day Diet

It all began with a much needed day off.  The plan was simple.  There was no plan.  No to-do list.  Just a day to chill, mentally, physically, emotionally.  As I lounged, like kittehs do, I was listening to GMA and sipping some coffee. 

 A segment came on about the 17 Day Diet by Dr. Mike Moreno.  It sounded interesting.  I went to Amazon and read reviews,  The reviews were pretty good.  None of them scared me.    In fact, I got a wee bit inspired.  

Last year we had an 18 Day Challenge at work were we went cold turkey off sodas. 

We did it for 18 days because I had heard that it takes the brain 18 days to form a new habit.  It was brutal.  However, the competition, the challenge, the whole misery enjoys company philosophy almost made it fun and we all learned that we can live without a soda.  And so, the the *fantastic* ideas to do the 17 Day Diet at work was born.

Dr.  Moreno sucked me in with the whole concept of doing something just long enough to trick the mind, and then switching up the calories and food you're eating to keep the mind and body from adapting and plateauing.   

I type this post  on Day 3of 17. 

As days 1 & 2, I may or may not have been too weak to type...

Let me just clarify, it has been less than fantastic.  It feels a lot like the South Beach Diet.  Nobody has been thrilled with the diet.  However, weight is coming off.  I know that it is simply water weight we have lost.  But, this kitteh will take any weight loss at this point!  

Things I have learned thus far:
1.    I *heart* carbs.
2.    I obviously eat too many carbs.
3.    I do not like balsamic vinegar, no matter how many times I try it.
4.    Hot lemon water first thing in the morning is not appetizing.
5.    I miss bread, a lot.
7.    Kefir is a yogurt type drink.  I like it better than yogurt.
8.    Carb intake and my mental abilities are directly correlated.
9.    Encouraging co-workers to partake in a 17 Day Diet Challenge will not earn you Boss of the Year!
10.  Day 18 cannot come soon enough!